Post Christmas lightness

After an indulgent Christmas and with an indulgent New Year’s Eve dinner coming up I felt the urge for healthy foods. I went off to the supermarket and came back with soy based yoghurt, Kellogg’s Special K, lots of vegetables and fruit, fish, hummus, lovely fresh cranberries, dark bread and stocking up on quinoa and pearly barley as well!

The Christmas left overs were transformed in to hash, with ham, turkey, the left over sprouts, potatoes and bacon that was fried up and served with an egg on top and home pickled beetroots, there wasn’t anything left at all!
The turkey this year was amazing, no matter how much we ate on Christmas day we didn’t even manage a whole breast and a whole leg between the six of us! There was quite a lot left so we stripped the meat off and it all went in to a big lovely curry with lots of veg and fruits. Cooked in the morning and enjoyed after the big game at Twickenham when we all came back a bit cold and ready to just put our feet up and feed the bellies! (Let’s keep the results of the game veiled by mercy!)


After this all the Christmas food was gone and hence the run to the shop and the refill of healthy foods.
One dinner was a true Swedish classic, poached cod with an egg sauce and boiled potatoes served with peas on the side. It can be cooked very lean without compromising the taste at all so just perfect! A friend of mine went to Sweden for the first time, came home and said, two main observations, dill served all the time and the word Välkommen said everywhere. Dill is almost always served with fish but it is also common to put with boiling potatoes for extra flavour. Välkommen means welcome, I would never have reflected about this at all but once pointed out I notice it all the time.

Another lean meal with no added fat but a burst of rapeseed oil in the wok is the chicken, served with quinoa on the side, a great meal, now just need to resist that left over Christmas cheese later!

New Year’s Eve will be dedicated to gorgeous food and time for something lean again and then a new regime in January with more of the healthy foods. I am looking to challenge myself to making every day foods just as tasty and a little bit healthier.

Meanwhile the molecular kit is looking fab and I can’t wait to get started, won’t have time for a little while longer, it looks like a day for cooking and no rushing around at all!

The last of homey things to be done this year is to pickle the last of the beetroots and to make some more cranberry jam, low in sugar, high in taste and perfect with food all year around!

Happy New Years and may 2012 bring you everything you wish for!

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