Strawberry bread and butter pudding with dulce de leche

Strawberry bread and butter pudding

The other day I went to visit a friend in London. This is where I used to live and I thought my dog would enjoy a stroll in the park where he spent so much time.

It turned out to be a very hot day and without a sea breeze it always seems a little bit hotter and a little bit stickier.

It was lovely to see my friend, we always have so much to talk about. A couple of hours was by far not enough but better than nothing.

My friend has a little dog, it is a lovely miniature pinscher.


miniature pinscher


She is tiny but has a ton of personality just like her dog mom!

We went for a walk and my friend’s dog ran around like always, up for a walk even if it was a bit on the hot side. My dog was not impressed at all and after about ten minutes he simply laid down and was very clear that he didn’t want to walk any further.


dog in park


We sat down with him, my friends dog kept running around and we kept talking, it worked out for everyone in the end.


Once back home we both took a deep breath and filled our lungs with cool sea air, sometimes there is no place like home!


Coming home I felt like a treat and thought I would actually make a dessert. I don’t make them very often but I had one and a half Swedish cinnamon buns sitting in the kitchen. My Swedish friend made them and I had been thinking about bread and butter pudding for a while.

I found some Dulce de Leche in the fridge and another friend came over and brought fresh strawberries.

There are many recipes for bread and butter pudding with various ingredients. I like it simple so here is my version.


Strawberry, cinnamon bun bread and butter pudding

preparation time 5 minutes

cooking time 35-40 minutes

oven 170C or 338F for 20 minutes and 15-20 minutes on 150C or 302F

serves 3-4


  • 1 1/2 cinnamon bun, sliced
  • butter for the sliced cinnamon bun
  • milk, just enough to almost cover the buns
  • 8 strawberries, quartered
  • about 3 tbsp Dulce de Leche

Butter the sliced cinnamon buns and place them in a greased snug ovenproof dish. Sprinkle over the strawberries. Fill with milk until the cinnamon buns are almost covered. Add Dulce de Leche.


Strawberry bread and butter pudding


Bake in the oven and turn the heat down after 20 minutes. Keep an eye on it so it doesn’t dry out and turning the heat down helps prevent the Dulce de leche from burning.


Strawberry bread and butter pudding


Bread and butter pudding is a deliciously rich dessert and the fresh strawberries worked really well. The Dulce de leche was gooey and delicious and the taste of the cinnamon really came through.

It is super exciting that my friend is coming to the market so I can buy more Swedish cinnamon buns and make it again! I didn’t mean to make a blog post about it but it was too good not to share!

I am bringing this to the great link party Cook Once Eat Twice hosted by Corina. Come on and have a look and if you have cooked join us!

cook once eat twice










8 Responses to “Strawberry bread and butter pudding with dulce de leche”
  1. jackcollier7 says:

    Yummy, I’ve included this in my Food on Friday blog. ❤

    • petra08 says:

      Hello Jack
      How is your week? Thank you so much. Yo always have great features and am so happy to appear next ti them! Almost weekend 🙂 x

  2. parkerozgood says:

    That looks so awesome!!

  3. Corina says:

    This looks amazing and I just know my husband would love it as he is such a dulce de leche fan! Thank you so much for sharing with #CookOnceEatTwice

    • petra08 says:

      hi Corina
      Thank you so much! Yes this is absolutely for Dulce de Leche fans! But with no extra sugar it wasn’t too sweet 🙂

  4. petra08 says:

    Hi Jack,
    Thank you so much for the mention. I love the strawberry theme! 🙂

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  1. […] this week we have Petra at Food Eat Love who has some different dishes  with strawberries; strawberry bread and butter pudding with dulce de leche, and beef spring rolls with a strawberry and soy dip.  Petra says this is a true 10 minute dish […]

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