Salt cured duck egg yolks

One of my friends asked me one day what my favourite ingredient was for cooking. I thought of salt, spices, chilli,garlic and well, where do I start? The question wasn’t all of my favourite ingredients, just the one. After some debating we agreed that life would be tough without eggs. They come in a neat little package, keep for quite a while, have a great taste and work just as well as sweet as savoury.


A while back I found this recipe for salt cured egg yolks. I have only had them once and it didn’t even occur to me that you could make your own, I don’t know why. This recipe looked so easy and straight forward I knew I just had to try it.

I think the best eggs around comes from the fishmonger, if I ever need quails eggs this is the only place I have ever found them and duck eggs are a regular staple. They are all fresh and they taste so much better than supermarket eggs. For my experiment I picked up four lovely duck eggs.




I separated the yolks from the whites and placed the yolks on a bed of salt.




I then covered the yolks completely with salt and put them in the fridge for one week. I wanted to check up on them but left them to cure.


I was so curious as to what they would look like and after a week I could finally, gently brush the salt off and they looked just like candy! I double checked this with a friend who said the very same thing. I am not sure if I imagine but the yolk looked so incredibly yellow and very delicious. They were still quite soft.




I was supposed to wrap the egg yolks in muslin cloth but I couldn’t find any here. In the end I went to the pharmacy and got some gauze swabs. I figured it would work just the same.





I wrapped the egg yolks and finally added string so that I could hang them.






When I was done I hung them in the fridge, I only have glass shelves but with some juggling around I could tie them to the wine rack, and still keep the wine on top! A plate under and I will have to wait for another 7-14 days, I can’t wait to cook with them.




The yolks were hard after seven days. I removed the gauze and first grated the yolk over crispy broccoli and shallot onions. The yolk is salty and hard but still has the richness of egg yolk, I really liked it and wished I had cure more of them.


Salt cured goose egg yolk 20Feb_SaltedEgg




I took one of the yolks to the fishmonger. When I told him what I was doing he gave me a discount if I would give him an egg, I will ask him next time I buy fish and see if he has used it,and if so for what.


I grated egg yolk over steamed kale and spinach.




I thought it would be fun to make a new take on carbonara with the cured egg and it turned out really nice.


Cured egg yolk carbonara

preparation time 5 minutes

cooking time 5 minutes

serves 3 as a starter


  • 1 bunch of black rice noodles
  • 1 cured goose egg yolk
  • 3 pieces of pork crackling
  • 1/6 tsp cayenne pepper, more to taste
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • chopped parsley

Crush the pork crackling in a pestle and mortar and mix with the cayenne pepper. Chop the parsley fine. Boil the rice noodles for five minutes and rinse under cold water. Mix the drained noodles with the crushed crackling, the parsley and about 2/3 of the cured egg yolk. Place in a bowl and sprinkle with olive oil and finally more cured egg yolk.




I loved my cured egg yolks and will make more. The egg yolks gets hard and are easy to grate, they bring a lot of taste and one egg yolk goes a long way. I will make more and see what else I can use them for, I think they might be an interesting addition to dumplings. Next time I will make more of them as I am sure they will last a while.


I am bringing my cured egg yolks to Angie’s lovely foodie party, Fiesta Friday. If you haven’t visited her blog, The Novice Gardener go over and have a look. It is full of delicious dishes and beautiful pictures, it is inspirational!






17 Responses to “Salt cured duck egg yolks”
  1. Corina says:

    I’ve never seen anything like this before but it sounds intriguing. If I was that fishmonger I’d be wanting one too!

    • petra08 says:

      Hi Corina

      Ha ha, well I am still curious to see what he used the egg yolk for! I just came across this and knew I had to give them a go, it was well worth the wait and very little work! 🙂

  2. Wow Petra! This is a work of a genius for sure. So much patience!! Amazing.

    • petra08 says:

      Thank you! They are so good, some patience goes a long way here and I have to admit I did want to poke around a bit and have a look almost every day but I managed not to and it was well worth it 🙂

  3. Wow, thats like a real science experiment. They look really good, I love eggs and especially the yolk. Your carbonara sounds great.

    • petra08 says:

      hi Suzanne
      I guess there was a little bit of science 🙂 It was well work making but I need to think of something else than simply grating it over things, next time!

  4. Hilda says:

    I have been planning a similar recipe but waiting for the ducks to start laying, so I was interested t see how you dud and used yours. They look perfect.

    • petra08 says:

      hi Hilda
      When we left London I wanted chicken, there is no room for ducks but I would have loved to! So I have to go to the fishmongers and get some! But he assures me they are all free range, happy ducks, the eggs are delicious 🙂 I can’t wait to see what you will make of yours!

  5. skd says:

    I have never seen somethinh like this before Petra. this is ingenious. Wonder if it will work with hen eggs.

    • petra08 says:

      hello 🙂
      Thanks! I am sure it will work a treat with hen eggs! They are just slightly smaller so I would make more of them, 4 wasn’t enough I have to admit as I gave one away but it is so easy to grate over pretty much everything! 🙂

  6. Very intriguing:) I never seen anything like this!

    • petra08 says:

      hi Olga
      I hadn’t either and I knew I had to make it! It is well worth doing, sort of egg but not at the same time but very delicious 🙂

  7. Very nice. I’m been incorporating flavors into mine. Recently did a chinese cabbage egg. Here’s the link if you’re interested:

    • petra08 says:

      hi Chris

      Glad you like them! I have never thought of adding flavour. I love the cured egg and will make more! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

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