Chilli Cheese Buttermilk Biscuits

chilli cheese buttermilk biscuit

One of my favorite brunch dishes is buttermilk biscuits. There is something about the whole process. Sleeping in just a little bit, getting the ingredients out, measuring them up, baking them, the smell and to eat one when they are still warm and the butter is melting.

This morning the only thing better would be to have cheesy, chili biscuits, just enough to get a slight hint of chili heat and some oozing cheese. I keep adding flavors to the pasta so why not to my buttermilk biscuits? Here is my plain butter milk biscuit recipe and below is the biscuits I made this morning.


Chilli Cheese Buttermilk Biscuits

preparation time 10 minutes

cooking time 20-25 minutes

oven 200C or 400F

serves 3-4


  • 2 1/2 dl or 1 1/4 cup plain flour
  • 50 gr or 1.7 oz cold, cubed butter
  • 2/3 tsp salt
  • 1 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1 1/2 dl or 3/4 cup buttermilk
  • 1/2 dl or 1/4 cup of coarsly grated cheese
  • 1 deseeded red chilli
  • a pinch of cayenne pepper
  • melted butter for brushing the top
  • flour for baking

Mix salt, flour, cayenne pepper, grated cheese, chili and baking powder. Add the cold, cubed butter and mix with the flour. Last add the buttermilk and mix.

Flour a surface and shape the dough. Cut out the biscuits.


buttermilk biscuits


Place them on a baking tray. Place the remaining dough on the baking tray . Brush with melted butter and bake until they are golden crispy.


chilli cheese buttermilk biscuits


Let them cool ever so slightly and if you are anything like me, smother the biscuit with butter and just enjoy.


chilli cheese buttermilk biscuit


I made some sausage gravy to go with them and last minute I added a handful of watercress.


buttermilk biscuit and sausage gravy


I might not have needed the sausage gravy but it is a delicious combination and it felt like a starting off the day with a treat.









9 Responses to “Chilli Cheese Buttermilk Biscuits”
  1. Keith Trawick says:

    Looks fabulous!!!!!

  2. These look beyond delicious, Petra. Thanks for the inspiration — and the recipe!!

    • petra08 says:

      hi Christina
      I am glad you like them. I can’t stop adding flavor and luckily it worked this time 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  3. This is different and sounds so yum!

    • petra08 says:

      Thank you! I liked the extra kick of chilli and the melted cheese, I think it might become a brunch staple! 🙂

Check out what others are saying...
  1. […] I am really not certain how his would work in the USA, but here in England we also have savoury ‘biscuits’, and across the pond you may even call these biscuits instead of cookies.  Anyhow, from Petra at Food Eat Love I’m giving you a recipe for chilli cheese buttermilk biscuits. […]

  2. […] new year arrived and from the moment I woke up I knew I needed buttermilk biscuits. I used this recipe but added a tablespoon of hot sauce for an extra kick and it was oh so nice! I made them for brunch […]

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