Duck egg Carbonara

Duck egg Carbonara

A friend of mine suggested a day out. We needed a catch up and her suggestion included a farm shop so even better. The destination was Quex Park, a lovely country estate not too far from where we live.


The grounds are well kept, the cafe has the best cheese scone I have ever tasted, there is a crafts village, plenty of activities for the young ones and of course, the farm shop.

My favourite part was the butchers and I have to admit I would love to have the room for a fridge like this.

Quex park beef dry ageing cabinet


I did buy some meat and on the way out some beautiful duck eggs caught my eye. It was their colour, the ultimate duck egg blue and I had to buy some.


duck eggs


I wasn’t quite sure of what to do with the duck eggs but a carbonara came to mind. The rich duck egg yolk, pasta and crispy bacon, what is there not to love?


I had some beetroot and chilli tagliatelle from last weeks market that I wanted to use. I love fresh pasta but any pasta of your preference is good.

Making your own pasta is very quick and easy. You can flavour the pasta with pretty much anything, I used beetroot and chilli in this pasta.


Basic pasta recipe 

preparation time 5 minutes 

cooking time 2-3 minutes 

serves 3


  • 150 gr or 5.3 oz 00 flour
  • 50 gr or 1.76 oz semolina
  • 2 large eggs
  • more flour for dusting

Mix flour, semolina and the eggs. Mix and knead to a smooth dough and let the dough rest for 30 minutes in the fridge.

Cut the dough in half and roll it thin enough to roll through the pasta machine. Roll the pasta once, fold the dough 3 or 4 times, use a rolling pin to make the folded pasta thin enough to roll in the machine. Keep rolling the pasta until it is thin and then cut it by hand or roll it one last time using the tagliatelle attachement.

Sprinkle over some flour and mix with the pasta to stop the strands sticking together. Set aside covered only with a cloth at room temperature. It will keep well here for a few hours and it will let the pasta dry a bit.


I got some smoked streaky bacon from the Black Pig Butchers and I have some Aleppo pepper from the Spice Kitchen.

Aleppo pepper


Duck egg carbonara

preparation time 5 minutes

cooking time 10 minutes in total

serves 2


  • 250 gr tagliatelle
  • 3 duck egg yolks
  • smokey streaky bacon, sliced thin
  • a small knob of butter
  • a pinch of sea salt
  • a pinch of Aleppo pepper
  • red onion, diced fine

Duck egg yolks are very rich in flavour and beautiful in colour.


Duck egg yolk


Pan fry the bacon crispy and drain the fat on household tissue. Set aside.

Bring salted pasta water to a boil and cook the pasta.

Whisk the egg yolks lightly with a little pasta water and mix the drained tagliatelle with the egg yolk. Mix in some of the crispy bacon, sprinkle over the rest along with some diced red onion and Aleppo pepper.


Duck egg Carbonara


The carbonara was rich and absolutely delicious. I will make this again, dinner was ready in less than ten minutes. A great go to lunch or dinner when  you want something delicious but don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen and it is perfect for sharing with friends coming around.


I am bringing this to the lovely Angie’s Fiesta Friday. I have missed a few and a week is never the same without my favourite foodie party! This week she has two co hosts, Mara, Put your Cake Pants on and the lovely Hilda, Along the Grapevine.









4 Responses to “Duck egg Carbonara”
  1. Hilda says:

    A very inspired gourmet dish! And beautiful presentation too in the egg shell. Thanks for sharing with us at Fiesta Friday.

    • petra08 says:

      hi Hilda
      I have added yourself and Mara to my blog post, sorry I published it a little bit beforehand not to miss FF!
      Am glad you liked it, it went down a treat and that duck egg blue! 🙂
      Thank you for co hosting FF and I hope you have a lovely weekend x

  2. CakePants says:

    What a great way to showcase the rich flavor of duck eggs! This looks like something you’d find in a fancy restaurant. Thanks for bringing it to Fiesta Friday!

    • petra08 says:

      hi Mara
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment, I am glad you like it. Thank you also for co hosting Fiesta Friday! 🙂

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