Fika for one

Fika is a concept, a state of mind, an attitude and an important part of Swedish culture. Many Swedes consider that it is almost essential to make time for fika every day. It means making time for friends and colleagues to share a cup of coffee (or tea) and a little something to eat.”

The last time I went to Sweden I made it back to the UK the day before the first Covid lock down. I haven’t travelled since but I was alarmed to hear that someone close to me, L, is very ill and I had to go home.

I booked a flight in a hurry and it was time to travel.

At the airport I opted for a light meal. I had a smoothie, a salad and a coffee. The salad was ok, the coffee was great and well, the smoothie was not for me. The mix of fruits, vegetables and coconut water made my tastebuds upset and I will leave the smoothie on the shelf next time.

I think I had forgotten how much time it takes to travel. My journey started with the train, followed by the tube. A wait at the airport and then a plane, followed by a bus and actually, the tram when in Gothenburg. I felt both like I had walked a long way and have been sitting down the whole day at the same time.

The weather was full of brilliant sunshine and blossoming cherry trees.

cherry blossom

There is a super market close to L, it is very nice and they even grow their own herbs in the shop. I had never seen that before and the herbs they are selling are super fresh. A cool concept.

growing herbs

I had come here to buy food so I could cook dinner. I figured if you are not feeling well food might be the last thing on your mind. I wanted to keep it light and easy to eat but full of flavour. I picked up some prawns, tortillas, lemon, heritage tomatoes, dill, avocado and burrata.

The prawns were already cooked so I mixed them with a little cheese, creme fraiche, cream, dill and lemon before wrapping them up in the tortillas. I spinkled them with cheese and spices and baked them in the oven. I made a burrata salad with the remaining ingredients. The cream, creme fraiche and burrata added much needed calories for L. It was so lovely to be able to sit down and eat together, talk, laugh, remember together and just be. Time is incredibly precious.

tortilla baked prawns

I made the most of my time in Gothenburg and stayed with friends, the ones that you just pick up where you left it last time, no matter when that last time was.

We talked and talked over many glasses of bubbly.


I was treated to a Gothenburg style prawn sandwich! They really are the best!

prawn sandwich

We had a couple of evenings and I couldn’t resist taking a photo of the barbecue getting warmed up. This is one way of getting rid of your christmas tree that made me smile.

My friend has the most adorable and fluffy Noregian forrest cats and this one came to check me out and wake me up. It was worth it as I got a lovely cat snuggle and she got a tummy tickle. A great way to wake up.

Norwegian forrest cat

It was a trip when everything made me reflect. I spent an evening with my friend talking about old memories, some sad, some slightly uncomfortable and some hilarious. Zoom and facetime can be great but there is nothing like actually meeting up in person.

The next day I had some time to walk around town in the morning. I went to the top of Avenyn, the main street in Gothenburg for bars, shops and restaurants. Poseidon watches over the city accompanied by jumping fish. The statue has been there since I can remember and it is nice to see that some things never change.


It was still early so I went for a fika.

It was an intense trip, lovely, funny, bittersweet and sad, all at the same time. It semed only suitable to have fika for one before the day started and it was time to head back home.

I am sharing this blog at the lovely Angie’s Fiesta Friday, come and join us and get inspired. You can find us here.

6 Responses to “Fika for one”
  1. Sounds like a very intense trip but at the same time beautiful too! I hope your friends is ok!

    • petra08 says:

      hi Ribana, thank you 🙂 It was very intense and I am so glad I went. Time is just precious and I thought we had more but it proved that we didn’t. Petra x

  2. Our thoughts go to your friend’s wellbeing first and foremost … your post struck a cord, friends are the gems of life. Re ‘fika’ … the Italian in me can’t suppress a smile because, althought spelled differently, the word ‘fica’ (pronounced exactly the same) in Italian refers to a woman’s private parts. Also, the sculpture of Poseidon … I looked it up and it was indeed made by Carl Milles. My mother had the good fortune to meet him, back ini the 1950s and apparently he took a bit of a fancy to her, tee hee. I do love his works, I really do. And I could come and eat at your home any time ! 🙂

    • petra08 says:

      hi Jo, thank you. I am so glad I went as I didn’t know how little time we had!
      I love how languages can be so similar and yet so different in terms of meaning 🙂
      I have never even thought of looking up the creator of the Gothenburg Poseidon! I had no idea it was a Carl Milles!
      Your mother was lucky! And oh, caught the eye of mr Milles?! 🙂 xx

  3. So glad you were able to go home and visit with loved ones. That’s so important! I love the concept of fika and with the current situation, extended pandemic and all, it’s become a treat to be able to get together with family and friends.

    • petra08 says:

      hi Angie, there is always time for fika 🙂 I am so glad I could go so we got some extra time together. After such long time apart due to the pandemic I think we all need to spend some time together! 🙂

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