Fika for one

“Fika is a concept, a state of mind, an attitude and an important part of Swedish culture. Many Swedes consider that it is almost essential to make time for fika every day. It means making time for friends and colleagues to share a cup of coffee (or tea) and a little something to eat.” The last time I … Continue reading

Noodles in beetroot sauce with burrata

Beetroot sauce noodles & burrata

Some of my dishes are inspired by a single ingredient and for this dish I had a burrata. I was going to do a salad, or possibly eat it with grated lemon zest, pepper and good olive oil when I spotted a single beetroot in my fridge. What can you make with just one beetroot? … Continue reading

Tomato salad with vegetarian tapenade

The other day I was reading (again) Elaine’s, Foodbod , blog. I wasn’t looking for anything, just browsing. Like Elaine, I absolutely love dips and sauces. I had a few dips in mind to make but when I came across some beautiful tomatoes in the shop and a tapenade came to mind. It would be … Continue reading

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas, decorations, champagne and nibbles

I have a confession to make. I am not too mad about Christmas. I like the lights and don’t get me wrong I do celebrate it every year but if left to my own devices I would probably get a bunch of good movies, a pile of good books and plenty of nice nibbly foods … Continue reading

White wine glazed sticky pork ribs

The other day I really wanted ribs, the sticky kind that you eat with your fingers, the glaze running down your hands and where each mouthful is soft, fall off the bone tender meat. There are so many ways to cook ribs and what would work best, pork, beef or lamb? I didn’t want to … Continue reading

I indulged myself at the charcuterie and cheese counter at Harrods

The other day I was on a shopping mission. It was one of those days when I knew what I wanted and found about half so not really satisfying I have to admit. I did however find myself popping in to (I was nearby) the Harrods food hall and that is always worth a look … Continue reading

Asian spice rubbed roast pork belly with brussels sprout bake

It is so cold at the moment it is too early to do something at the allotment but there are still veg to pick. This weekend we picked Brussels sprouts and a small cabbage head, sadly the last of the cabbage. The beetroots and parsnips are still ok so we picked a few of those … Continue reading

Beef cheek stew and burrata mash

It was another Saturday and another game of Rugby. Needless to say it was bitter cold and sitting still for too long makes the cold creep in to the bones! I realized we needed something truly warming when we got back This cold weather makes me crave hearty foods, like stew and even more so after the rugby! … Continue reading