Cauliflower & garlic soup

This year it feels like winter is a bit colder and longer than what it has been in a long time. I did read that it has not been this cold in the south east in ten years. The cold doesn’t deter me from going out and when I came out from the pub the … Continue reading

Crispy summer rolls

The year kicked off with one storm after another and plenty of rain! I am not complaining as it gives me a great excuse to slow down a little bit, catch up on my favourite series and cook new foods. I still have left over food from the holidays in the fridge and I am … Continue reading

Are you game? Pigeon & Cauliflower

I can’t believe how fast time flies. A friend asked me the other day how long I have had my market stall and I said three years. She gave me a look of doubt and thinking about it it must have been 5+ years now! Oops, how did that happen? I am still so happy … Continue reading

Pancetta & nasturtium wrapped hake

Each week I do a menu for home delivery or you can pick it up at the market. I do a different menu every week and this week I did fishcakes. I spoke to my friend Darren who is a fishmonger and he suggested that I use hake. Normally I would go to cod but … Continue reading

Nasturtium wrapped Prawn Balls

I watched a program about a man travelling to the far corners of Japan finding what I can only describe as unique food communities and ingredients. I have sadly forgotten the name of the program but what I do remember are the prawn balls he made, they looked incredible. He used a root vegetable I … Continue reading

Tapas night & a week off

I had a week off last week. I can’t remember last time I had a whole week off and even the weather agreed. I enjoyed some sunny afternoons on the beach, I ate out, breakfast, sometimes lunch and even dinner. There were whole days when I didn’t cook a thing. Not cooking didn’t mean I … Continue reading

Seared Lobster and kaffir lime beurre blanc

Lobster and kaffir lime beurre blanc

The weather has been a bit grey lately. We didn’t get much snow but plenty of rain and it has been windy. The only one in our family who doesn’t mind going out is our dog who, as long as you bring a ball, loves all weathers as long as it is followed by some … Continue reading

Burnt Leek Ravioli

Burnt leek ravioli

I was going through my veg box and one of the ingredients I almost always have is leek. I use it just all the time, usually chopped up in various ways in different dishes. This time I wanted to to cook a dish that would showcase the versatile leek. The top of the leek has … Continue reading

Rosa del Veneto salad

rosea del veneto chiccory Salad

Sometimes I see produce that I cant resist and when I came across a bag of Rosa del Veneto salad it was so pretty I couldn’t help myself. It is a type of Italian winter chicory, besides the beautiful pink hues the leaves are delicate and it is delicious. The chicory is grown in forcing … Continue reading

Pulled pork with mushroom stuffed Roscoff onion


I tend to watch a lot of food programs and chefs always use Roscoff onions. They come from Breton in France and are beautifully pink with a mild flavor. They have a long shelf life and I finally came across some. I wanted to keep the onion as the main ingredient and went for a … Continue reading