Truffled skinny mac & cheese with sage roasted chicken

The weather is much colder with winds from the East. I turned the heat up and made sure we have a good supply of fire wood. The blankets have been washed and I feel ready to well, hibernate! As this isn’t an option the next on my list is comfort food and mac & cheese is … Continue reading

Chinese Pulled Pork

The other day I couldn’t resist a boned shoulder of pork. It was a small piece, only one kilo, about two pounds. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with it so I didn’t cook it until the next day. I decided that I wanted pulled pork but something different. I looked through the spices … Continue reading

Corn on the cob with dukkha, salt and butter

The Saturday past was the start of the rugby season and it was time to head to Twickenham for a double header. It is always a day of drinking beer and eating, crap food, it is part of the experience! We watched 2 games and it was the last fine minutes of the last game … Continue reading

Comforting meatloaf and gorgeous allotment kale cooked two ways

It was allotment day this weekend and we brought some jam and hot sauce as a contribution, there were lots of home made jams and even locally produced honey! There was a barbecue, a raffle and a true family day. This is when you really notice that having an allotment is not just for older, … Continue reading

Low carb beef and cured pork ragu marrow and kale lasagne

One of my favourite fruits each year from the allotment is the humble marrow. It doesn’t need a lot of love and still it grows, and grows and just well, grows! I think they taste better the larger they get as they seem to gain some texture. It is quite bland on it’s own but … Continue reading

Cured, bay leaf and hickory smoked pork belly, new potatoes and beets

I started thinking of today’s dinner two days in advance when I bought pork belly for curing. My neighbour gave me a whole bunch of bay leaves so I did a bay leaf and chipotle chilli cure and I mixed some bay leaves with the hickory wood for the smoking. The pork belly cured for … Continue reading

Bulgur Wheat for dinner and brunch, a healthy kick after a long week

Business travel can be fun, meeting lots of nice people, eating a lovely hotel breakfast and going out for dinners with meetings in-between. However last week in Sweden I had a great time but I was happy to head home when it was time! The flight was delayed so I had some time at the airport … Continue reading

Chickpea and goats cheese veg stew

After quite a lot of food this weekend I felt the need for something healthy. I went to the shop to buy spinach, they didn’t have any so I got a bag of watercress, spinach and rocket leaves.  I decided to do a veg stew based on chickpeas, paneer cheese and the greens. I wanted … Continue reading

Saussage, partridge bubble & squeak and pickle onion tomato salad

Sometimes I am so easily distracted from what I was after when I go shopping. Most of the times I feel quite well organized and it is not that often I add more things than planned in my shopping basket, but this said it doesn’t apply all the time! I love to browse when I … Continue reading

Roast lamb with liquorice root and coca cola

A few days ago I read an article about venison and the chef used liquorice root. It wasn’t a recipe more just thoughts and ways he used it.  I was really excited when I found some in my local health food shop and bought a bag for today’s lamb that I bought yesterday at my … Continue reading